Barbara from Bulgaria!

In middle school, kids tormented Rose by calling her “Barbara from Bulgaria”. We wanted to learn more about her origins so we went there. To Bulgaria. It turns out that that it would not be too bad to actually be from Bulgaria — the country is super cool! The Mountains We spent the first half of the week up in […]

Brač i Omiš

Since my last update we’ve: completed our fast, moved to a new city, rock climbed and hiked, and visited an island. We also figured out longer-term housing and submitted our Digital Nomad Visa application! Read on and I’ll take you through the happenings. Fast and Rose’ Birthday! Fasting is super good for your health for loads of reasons. As such, […]

First Week in Split!

Rose, Goldie, and I made it! We survived 20 hours of travel and eight timezones changed with a cat and are in Split! Our flight It was actually all quite painless. We booked through Lufthansa using Air Edelweiss as our carrier. When we checked in at the Denver airport, the helpful assistant at the counter gave no notice to Goldie […]

We Are Relocating To Croatia!

On August 15th, Rose, Goldie, and I are relocating to Croatia! We are applying for the Digital Nomad Visa so that we can stay longer than the normal 90-day tourist visa allows. The plan is to be out of the States for anywhere from three months to several years.