Fall in the Dolomites

This is the first of more frequent, picture heavy blog posts I plan to put out. Less writing, more pictures! For the last three weeks, Rose and I have been hiking in the Dolomites. The second half of August and all of September, we were climbing intensely in Slovenia. We had wanted to be in the Dolomites in the fall […]

The Menalon Trail

This Spring, Rose and I hiked the Menalon Trail. Over four days, we walked through 52 miles of rural mountains and sleepy medieval towns in the Greek Peloponnese. Following is the story in words and pictures of this wonderful and remote adventure. The afternoon before we began, we drove from our home in Leonidio to Elliniko. Elliniko is a picturesque, rural […]

Barbara from Bulgaria!

In middle school, kids tormented Rose by calling her “Barbara from Bulgaria”. We wanted to learn more about her origins so we went there. To Bulgaria. It turns out that that it would not be too bad to actually be from Bulgaria — the country is super cool! The Mountains We spent the first half of the week up in […]

5 Best Hikes Near Quito

Quito, the capital of Ecuador, is located in the heart of the Andes Mountains at 9,350 feet above sea level. It’s surrounded by snowy volcanic peaks, long ridges, and volcanic craters. Thousands of miles of hiking trails criss-cross these mountains and pass through the most spectacular scenery you can imagine. Rose and I spent a month in Quito, Ecuador in […]