We Are Relocating To Croatia!

On August 15th, Rose, Goldie, and I are relocating to Croatia! We are applying for the Digital Nomad Visa so that we can stay longer than the normal 90-day tourist visa allows. The plan is to be out of the States for anywhere from three months to several years.


Pet People Rose and I love our pets. They are more than animals that keep us company – they tend to quickly become full-on members of our family. During our time in Europe, Mama and Yoda came with us. Mama wanted all the cuddles and Yoda did her best to control Eppstein’s field-mouse population – often bringing home “presents”. Due […]

Caribbean Sailing, I Could Get Used to This…

“We’re about to hit another patch of wind” Emmy, our crew-mate with two Atlantic sailing passages and years of sailing instruction under her belt, announces matter of-factly. “What, how can you possibly tell that?” I say, scanning the instruments for clues. “Oh, you can see the wind” she responds casually, channeling her inner Yoda. She was right, you can see […]

Van Life

We are one week into Van Life now and I want to provide some details about Van Life: What is it? Why do it? What are my thoughts (good and bad) one week in? Van Life is a movement to reduce housing expenses by nearly 95% and live a mobile, adventure-based life. Why Van Life? There are two main reasons […]

Climbing Mt. Alice

Climbing Mt. Alice. 5.8, Grade IV. 13,300 ft. 9 pitches. Unholy loose rock, lichen fest with some quality climbing mixed in…but I’m getting ahead of myself. Approach We approached Saturday afternoon after having decided that morning that we would attempt a route on this rarely visited peak in RMNP. The approach, a little under 9 miles and ~3,400 ft of […]

Aiguille de la Republique – Voie Normale

The day before yesterday, Kiran and I climbed the Aiguille de la Republique via the Voie Normale. Opting to rappel an adjacent route rather than down-climb the route, we were 16 hours camp to camp from our comfy bivvy under a huge boulder 25 minutes from the base of the route. The Aiguille de le ​Republique is the most curious looking […]

Freeride Madeira

Enduro MTB Until we were a good bit of the way through a bottle of wine that night, we hadn’t even heard of Madeira. Then a quick google search – “Okay google, where can I mountain bike in Europe in the winter?” and this video popped up: About 15 minutes later, the plane tickets were confirmed and the room booked. […]

Ben Nevis – MTB Loop

Scotland was one of those places we were interested in visiting, but was by no means at the top of the list. Learning about fell running changed that.  “For those in the US not familiar with the uniquely British activity known as fell running, then you should be thinking steep rugged hills on low lying terrain, likelihood of crap weather and nasty […]

Red Rocks. Never Disappoints.

Red Rocks is where you climb. A lot. We have climbed at a few places around the world–Chamonix, the Tetons, Paklenica, Montserrat to name a few. So far, no where we have been offers the “mileage” you can get at Red Rocks. By mileage I mean the ratio of pure climbing to all of the other things that come along […]