About Us

Hi! We’re Rose, Jeff, and Goldie and we like to travel. Follow us as we embark on our next adventure to Europe starting in Split, Croatia.

Travel has been a core part of our family for the last decade. Rose and I started out living in Suburbia, Maryland taking weekend trips deep into West Virginia and longer trips out to Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado and the Wind River Range, Wyoming.

In 2014, we moved to Eppstein (near Frankfurt), Germany and spent the next three years exploring lots of Western Europe. There, we discovered trail running, enduro mountain biking, and matured a lot as climbers. We also drank our fair share of Euro-beer and enjoyed cities as tourists.

Just after moving to Colorado in late 2017, we quit our full-time jobs, sold most of our stuff, and started out Van Life. We spent a year driving around the West before moving into a home in Boulder, Colorado.

While based in Boulder: we learned to sail, became sport climbers, traveled to Ecuador and Slovenia for longer than a month each, adopted Goldie and saved her life, and got excited about our next adventure.

Singapore Snapshots: 3 Days in the Lion City

Singapore has a feline identity crisis; known as both the Lion City and one of the four Asian Tigers. Within the span of a few decades, Singapore went from much of its population living below the poverty line to one of the wealthiest countries by per capita in the world. It was fascinating to finally visit a place I had […]

Ho Chi Minh: Full Throttle Living

“Organized chaos” is the phrase that kept floating through my head while exploring the energetic streets of Ho Chi Minh. Well, that and “please don’t die.” This was the mantra whenever crossing a busy intersection, as motor scooters weaved around me like a school of fish. Ho Chi Minh, more commonly known among locals by its pre-independence name “Saigon”, is […]

Hong Kong Harmony: Where East Meets West, City Meets Nature

“Life in Hong Kong transcends cultural and culinary borders, such that nothing is truly foreign and nothing doesn’t belong.” – Peter Jon Lindberg Having explored over fifty countries and numerous cities within them, I can attest that Hong Kong is among the top when it comes to vibrant urban life. It left me wonton for more (groan). The very landscape of the city […]

Kastanitsa – Moody Views

Rose and I went on a short, overnight bike trip to the tiny Peloponnese town called Kastanitsa. I made a short YouTube video of the trip. It’s my first time editing a video, but I think it turned out pretty well! Kastanitsa is an ancient town nestled between the surrounding hills. The town is known for its white and blue […]

Fall in the Dolomites

This is the first of more frequent, picture heavy blog posts I plan to put out. Less writing, more pictures! For the last three weeks, Rose and I have been hiking in the Dolomites. The second half of August and all of September, we were climbing intensely in Slovenia. We had wanted to be in the Dolomites in the fall […]

The Menalon Trail

This Spring, Rose and I hiked the Menalon Trail. Over four days, we walked through 52 miles of rural mountains and sleepy medieval towns in the Greek Peloponnese. Following is the story in words and pictures of this wonderful and remote adventure. The afternoon before we began, we drove from our home in Leonidio to Elliniko. Elliniko is a picturesque, rural […]

Barbara from Bulgaria!

In middle school, kids tormented Rose by calling her “Barbara from Bulgaria”. We wanted to learn more about her origins so we went there. To Bulgaria. It turns out that that it would not be too bad to actually be from Bulgaria — the country is super cool! The Mountains We spent the first half of the week up in […]

Brač i Omiš

Since my last update we’ve: completed our fast, moved to a new city, rock climbed and hiked, and visited an island. We also figured out longer-term housing and submitted our Digital Nomad Visa application! Read on and I’ll take you through the happenings. Fast and Rose’ Birthday! Fasting is super good for your health for loads of reasons. As such, […]